As a young company, the 2020s bring many challenges for us. First the Covid19 pandemic and now war in Ukraine. Climate change is not stopping there either. But we want to see this crisis as an opportunity to legitimize the existence of our company in society. It is likely that many things will not get any easier in the future. We want to use the current challenges to position ourselves even better for future challenges. In these times we are reflecting on the essence of our corporate activities.
through culinary arts and science. People will continue to produce coffee, people will continue to drink coffee. How, and how much, and where, and what kind of coffee – that’s what we want to help shape with cumpa along the lines of sustainable development. For the upcoming 2022/2023 season, we have made our purchases in Vietnam and Peru. In both origins, we are reducing the share of microlots in our purchases. As a partner for larger lots, we want to be a calculable factor in stormy times for both our customers and our suppliers. In particular, we provide for longer delivery times so that we can guarantee delivery reliability throughout the season. In addition, we purchase a few selected, highly specialized microlots that represent the work of particularly progressive farmers.
Another point is a joint trip to Peru . In the turmoil of 2022, there was a significant increase in the price of flights. Therefore, we cancelled our originally planned trip in 2022. Flights had become too expensive both for us and for potential fellow travelers, and the uncertainties associated with the trip had become too great. In 2023, the trip will now take place with the originally planned tour. Up to 10 fellow travelers can expect a tour full of coffee, Peru, culture and adventure! You are interested? Feel free to contact us.