About us

At cumpa, we work every day to provide our customers with the finest green coffees from different countries. We do not want to supply just any coffees, but specialty coffees of excellent quality, grown in harmony with man and nature. To achieve this, we rely on long-term partnerships and a trusting cooperation with our partners at the origin.

Our shared passion for coffee is based on Lukas’ trip to Peru in 2013. After completing his education, he spent about a year in Peru and fell in love with the country, the people and the coffee. Back in Germany, he studied “International Management” in Karlsruhe. There he crossed paths with engineering student Daniel. The shared culinary interest and the common circle of friends quickly moved the two to more.

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Between 2015 and 2016, Lukas worked for Torsten from Good Karma Coffee in Karlsruhe, which led to a long-lasting friendship. Together with other friends, Daniel and Lukas founded the registered non-profit association Qoffee Qulture in 2017. With the association, we collect donations for projects with which we improve the lives of coffee farmers on a voluntary basis.

At the beginning of 2018, the two then took their first trip together to Peru. After that, it was clear that we wanted to take it one step further. In August 2018, cumpa GmbH was finally founded. Since then, we have been able to inspire more and more customers for our Peruvian coffees.


Together with Vietnamese partners, we were able to expand cumpa in 2019. This relationship began back in 2017 during Daniel’s first trip to Vietnam. During his second visit in 2021, he met Paul in the highlands of Vietnam, who was already working with coffee there and provided us with valuable new contacts.

In early 2022, we were able to further expand cumpa and welcomed Paul to our team. Since then, he has been managing many of our customer relationships in Europe and continues to maintain excellent relationships in Vietnam.

In 2023, the first Canephorum event was established, showcasing the Coffea canephora species. Since its inception, the Canephorum has become an important anual event in the coffee industry.

In 2024, we have also included coffee from the Democratic Republic of the Congo in our range for the first time. However, the foundation for this relationship was laid six years earlier when we became aware of coffee from the island of Idjwi through the organization Engineers Without Borders. Daniel’s visit to the Kivu Province in 2021 sealed our decision to bring the coffee to Europe.

Additionally, we visited the Kiva Estate in Panama, which has since become a source of excellent Canephora beans for us. This marks another important milestone in our journey to building a versatile coffee portfolio.

Our team has continued to grow. We are thrilled to welcome Nadine as our new HR & Process Manager. With years of experience in her field, she brings valuable expertise to our team. We are also excited to introduce two talented working students, Dede and Clara, who have joined the Cumpa team in the fields of Controlling and Marketing.

We are happy about our development so far, all the friendships, the adventures together and look confidently into a future with lots of good coffee.

Team cumpa

Lukas Harbig

Lukas Harbig

CEO & Co-founder

Nadine Brucker

Nadine Brucker

HR & Process Manager

Paul Lidy

Paul Lidy

Coffee & Relations Manager

 Dede Benissan

Dede Benissan

Working Student Controlling

Clara Schumann

Clara Schumann

Working Student Marketing

Christine Huemer

Christine Huemer

Finance & Relations Manager

Voices of our customers

“We have been working with CUMPA since 2019 and can say that we appreciate their transparency, the exchange at eye level and their cultural and relationship work just as much as the great green coffees that we are able to purchase from them. Our joint journey of origin to Peru was able to combine all of this.
Cumpa also has a far-sighted approach to the issues of our time, which pose major challenges in terms of climate change and much more. As initiators and co-organizers of the Canephorum, they have set out to change the view of Canephora from its origins to the cup. Together, we can now enjoy the first fruits of this.”

Portraits_Aroma Hoch 3
Aroma Hoch 3 Team | Coffee RoastersAroma Hoch 3

“Robusta beans were always a dilemma for us. Although many customers wanted them, we could never decide on a variety. Most Robusta beans simply didn’t meet our quality standards. But then we came across Cumpa – and everything changed.
Our friends at Cumpa impressed us with their first-class Robusta beans. Their carefully selected, sustainably produced beans are exactly what we were looking for. At last, we can fulfill our customers’ wishes and meet our high standards at the same time.
Thanks to Cumpa, our coffee range is now not only more varied, but also better. Our partnership with them is a real win – not only for us, but above all for our customers.”

Motaii France
Motaii France
Cecile Huynh | Co-FounderMotaii in Ternay

“Cumpa has been very important in our goal to promote and share Vietnamese coffee culture in France. Besides having excellent coffee, the cumpa team has always been very helpful and supportive in the ups and downs of starting our business. We are very happy to have discovered cumpa and to continue our partnership.”

“I have been working with cumpa since I opened in 2019. The coffee from Peru is an integral part of my assortment. I really appreciate the friendly and trustworthy cooperation with Lukas and Paul, which is characterised by open and honest communication.
Here I can rely on transparent and high-quality green coffee. The joint origin trip to Peru was very impressive. I am looking forward to more years and great green coffees with the cumpas. Thank you!”

220Grad Kaffeerösterei
220Grad Kaffeerösterei Logo
Margret & Alois Macheiner | Founders220GRAD Kaffeerösterei

“We were with Paul in Vietnam at Mr. Toi’s. For a few years now, we have been dealing with Canephora – always in search of good qualities – and that’s how we came across cumpa and Paul. After our first experiment with Mr. Toi’s Robusta, which was very well received by our customers, we immediately took the opportunity and set off with Paul to the origin.
The journey was very diverse. On one hand, it was disturbing regarding the generally ‘poor coffee qualities’ in Vietnam, on the other hand, it was very encouraging and optimistic when you feel Mr. Toi’s intentions and the vibe behind it.
Since Paul speaks the local language and has lived in Vietnam for several years, he showed us many insights and supported us on our further journey through Vietnam. It was very enjoyable, diverse, and educational. Paul always keeps the big picture in mind. He is not only a good communicator but is also said to be a very good Salsa dancer… although we cannot confirm this personally yet.”

Kaffeemanufaktur Würzburg
Carina Schneider | CEOKaffeemanufaktur Würzburg

“Cumpa was a great partner for us after the restart of the roastery to learn, to exchange ideas and to venture into new things with advice and support. We love our “Mr. Toi’s Winey Honey” and can hardly wait for our joint origin trip to Peru in August!
The guys from cumpa are open to change and we as the roasting team are also excited about what the future holds for us together!”

“In our search for green coffee from Vietnam, we came across cumpa via a podcast in 2022. Right from the start, the cooperation was friendly, transparent and at eye level. We really appreciate the work of Paul and Lukas and are super grateful that they give us direct access to such outstanding coffee and always focus on the people behind the coffee. We are really looking forward to future projects and see cumpa as an integral part of our own coffee journey.”

Fynn Campbell | CEOCOFYMI GmbH in Herrenberg

“We have been working with cumpa GmbH for a relatively long time now. The cooperation is characterised by friendliness, humanity, mutual interest in growing together and, of course, a good degree of professionalism. Above all, however, the joint work is fun.
We look forward to many more years of this wonderful cooperation.”

Thorsten Kessmann | CEO5 Senses Coffee in Freiburg

“We have been working with Daniel and Lukas since 2019 and really appreciate the contact with them. Our collaboration is characterised by friendly communication, great trust and reliability. At the same time, we are absolutely convinced of the high quality of their green coffee and their transparent work at the origin. We look forward to many more years of cooperation with cumpa! Thank you!”

Dr. Martin Lai | CEOSUEDHANG in Tübingen

“With cumpa, we not only have a reliable partner in terms of green coffee. We have a friendly exchange and inspiration at eye level. And through cumpa, we have a very close connection to the farmers. Thank you!”

Friedrich Radi | Quality, Production, Green SourcingHoppenworth & Ploch in Frankfurt

“cumpa are reliable partners for us. We appreciate the contact, the coffees and all the attention to detail. cumpa simply allows us to buy transparent and high quality green coffees from nice people.”

Karl Maximilian Böhm | CEOmaxbean in Halver

“The cooperation with cumpa is characterized by trust and reliability. Besides the complication-free work on the purely operational level, we also very much appreciate the exchange about current events in the green coffee and specialty market.
The communication basically takes place on eye level and super result oriented. In addition to these many plus points, we also simply always have a lot of fun with the cumpas and are happy about every extraordinary idea the guys come up with.”

Wolfgang Helmreich | HeadroasterJohann Jacobs Haus in Bremen

“The cooperation with cumpa resulted from our mutual acquaintance, German Carranza in Peru. We are very happy and more than satisfied that cumpa organizes the import route from Peru to Bremen. That team cumpa has a knack for good coffees is also proven by the wonderful Mr. Toi Canephora from Vietnam. We always experience team cumpa as dedicated, passionate and authentic and look forward to a long and friendly cooperation.”