Mr. Toi’s Anaerobic Washed #00062

Cleanly produced Robustas are the hallmark of Toi Nguyen. The Robusta guru, Mr. Toi has been working on the cleanest Robustas for many years and is dedicated to growing coffee. Meticulous work, kindness and a penchant for perfection are reflected in all his coffees. Using specially developed processes, he creates coffees that cause a worldwide sensation and completely dispel the prejudice that “Robusta can’t taste good.” This particular coffee, with its full body and notes of roasted almond and dates, is a hit in any specialty espresso and even shines in filter coffee.


1.   All the cherries are harvested and sorted by hand.

2.   The washed process starts with pulping the cherries. After that they are left in tanks to ferment for 24 hours in an anaerob environment.

3.   The beans were then left to dry for ten days. In the drying process the beans are moved regularly to guarantee that the beans dry homogeneously.

4.   In the end, the coffee is visually sorted by hand for one last time and stored in GrainPro bags.

Article #
Harvest period
Country / Region
Bao Loc / Vietnam
Future Coffee Farm Company Limited
Taste description
Roasted Almond, Green Apple, Dried Fruit, Agave Syrup
900 -1000m
Robusta 138