Origin Trip Vietnam 2025 

Employees at Mr. Toi in Bao Loc, Vietnam 2021.

At the beginning of 2025, we will again offer a guided Origin Trip to Vietnam. Explore the origins of coffee on our 8-day Vietnam Origin Trip from January 10 to 17, 2025. This unique journey offers the opportunity to meet the producers behind some of the best coffee varieties in the world.

Destinations and Activities: 

  • Dak Lak and Lam Dong Provinces: Explore the coffee-growing regions and meet the pioneers of Vietnamese coffee production. 
  • Great Cherry Robusta Farm: Visit the farm and gain insights into the processing of coffee cherries. 
  • Future Coffee Farm: Plant trees and learn more about the processing methods of Robusta coffee. 
  • Zanya Coffee: Discover the history of the indigenous K‘Ho and explore various processing methods of Arabica coffee. 
  • Loc Rung Coffee Farm: Enjoy traditional Vietnamese coffee preparation and produce your own coffee. 


  • Local Traditions and Cuisine: Savor traditional Vietnamese food and the famous Vietnamese coffee. 
  • Nature and Culture: Visit impressive landscapes, including Lang Biang Mountain and Thac Voi Waterfall. 
  • Interactive Activities: Cupping sessions, planting trees together and picking coffee cherries. 


  • Paul: With over five years of experience in Vietnam, he will be your main contact for all your concerns. 
  • Kate: A passionate coffee expert and Vietnamese who will guide you through the Vietnamese coffee world as a local guide.

Organizational Details: 

  • Cost: 1600 € per person (excluding 19% VAT) 
  • Included: Support, transportation, meals, entrance fees, and activities on-site.
  • Excluded: Flights, alcoholic beverages, personal expenses, and travel insurance. 

Important Notes: 

  • Recommended Vaccinations: Yellow fever, rabies, tetanus. 
  • Useful Clothing: Tropical and lightweight clothing, hiking shoes, rain jackets. 
  • Safety: Take careful precautions for your safety, please follow the recommendations of your government.


For further details, reservations, and questions, please contact Paul: 

  • Email: paul.lidy@cumpa.de 
  • Phone: +49 7032 28986-12

We look forward to exploring the world of Vietnamese coffee with you! 

Coffee selection at Zanya Coffee in Lang Biang, 2021. 
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